Gene | Transcription Factor Family | Full Seq Evalue | Best Domain Evalue | Domain Number | Alignment Detail |
KWMTBOMO16044 | PLU-1 | 7.6e-75 | 2.7e-73 | 3 | + View |
HMM length of domain: 334 aa c-Evalue (conditional Evalue): It is an attempt to measure the statistical significance of each domain, given that we’ve already decided that the target sequence is a true homolog. It is the expected number of additional domains we’d find with a domain score this big in the set of sequences reported in the top hits list, if those sequences consisted only of random nonhomologous sequence outside the region that sufficed to define them as homologs. i-Evalue (independent Evalue): The significance of the sequence in the whole database search, if this were the only domain we had identified. Domain annotation for each sequence: # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to -- ----- ---- -------- -------- ------- ------ ------- ------ --- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- 1 246.9 7.2 4.8e-77 2.7e-73 1 334 776 1121 2 4.3 0.0 0.0031 18 79 134 1269 1324 3 -2.8 0.0 0.46 2.6e+03 256 305 1336 1401 Alignments for each domain: == domain 1 score: 246.9 bits; conditional E-value: 4.8e-77 PLU-1 1 eWaekveelle..eeskpsLkelrsllneaekikfplkelleeLksfvkeaekwvekaqqllskkqrtRrkneaeeeeeekeklsleelekLle 92 eWae v+++l+ + ++++L lr+ l++a++ k++++el+++L++++++aek+++++qql +k+rtR++ +++ k++l+++el+ + + KWMTBOMO16044 776 EWAEAVQNALDpdTPKTCDLDGLRAHLKKAHELKIHKTELVRALETAIEDAEKCASVIQQLDLNKMRTRTR-----HHDPKYRLTIHELTLFAA 864 6***********999******************************************************99.....56999************* PP PLU-1 93 eldslpFdlpeieqLkelleeieefrkkarellse.....esedssieeleklieeGksfnvelpeleeLkrvleqlkWleevrevreekkqlt 181 e+d l ++lpe +++ke+l++ ef++ka el+++ e+ ++ele+++++G+ +++ lp+l L+ +l+q k+++ev+++r+e++ lt KWMTBOMO16044 865 EIDGLACVLPEGSAVKEVLRQTSEFESKASELINKdldkiEPG--YVRELEEVVDLGSRLCIVLPQLAPLQARLQQVKFVDEVQQYRDECSTLT 956 ***********************************54432233..59*********************************************** PP PLU-1 182 leevkeLieeGeslaispek.eellaklqelleaaekweekakelL............eareklsleeLeallneaqeipvslpslaaleealk 262 e + +L++++e+l ++ + e ++a l +l++ +e+wee+a+ +L ++ + +l+eL+ ll++ +ei+++lps++al+ a+ KWMTBOMO16044 957 PEVIDRLLQDAEKLV-PHRRvELERAGLYKLKALVEEWEERARAVLidttkskdsseaDEPQYTTLAELSLLLADGDEIEAALPSYHALQTAVA 1049 ***************.89999*********************************99875588889999999999999***************** PP PLU-1 263 karelqrkveeliksaerptlseleellkkgeslpvkleeleeLekelsraedWlekakklFlkknaplsll 334 +a+++ +kvee+++++ p+++ +e+++++g+++p l e +L ++l++a++W++ a+++Flkkn+p+sll KWMTBOMO16044 1050 HAKDWLAKVEEMQSKDLYPYMHSVESVVRRGQQIPLALYEKDQLAAALQSAKEWKRGAAEMFLKKNWPYSLL 1121 ************766666****************************************************97 PP == domain 2 score: 4.3 bits; conditional E-value: 0.0031 PLU-1 79 keklsleelekLleeldslpFdlpeieqLkelleeieefrkkarellseesedssi 134 +++ l+ + Ll l++lp l e e+L+ + e+ +++ ar+ll+ ++ + KWMTBOMO16044 1269 TKRPRLDRILGLLVWLQKLPVRLAEGEALQCVTERAMSWQDSARALLAALPHRADM 1324 45667788888888999999999999999999999999999999999885554444 PP == domain 3 score: -2.8 bits; conditional E-value: 0.46 PLU-1 256 aleealkkarelq........rkveeliksaer........ptlseleellkkgeslpvkleelee 305 +l++a +a++l+ ++ve +++ r +l++leel+ +g+ l v+lee + KWMTBOMO16044 1336 ELKKATGRAHDLHnahnprssASVEHAYSATPRspsarmapGMLHKLEELMLEGDLLEVRLEEQAQ 1401 455555566666666666666666666666333322234445667777777777777777666544 PP |
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