Gene | Transcription Factor Family | Full Seq Evalue | Best Domain Evalue | Domain Number | Alignment Detail |
KWMTBOMO13837 | COE | 1.8e-242 | 2.1e-236 | 2 | + View |
HMM length of domain: 583 aa c-Evalue (conditional Evalue): It is an attempt to measure the statistical significance of each domain, given that we’ve already decided that the target sequence is a true homolog. It is the expected number of additional domains we’d find with a domain score this big in the set of sequences reported in the top hits list, if those sequences consisted only of random nonhomologous sequence outside the region that sufficed to define them as homologs. i-Evalue (independent Evalue): The significance of the sequence in the whole database search, if this were the only domain we had identified. Domain annotation for each sequence: # score bias c-Evalue i-Evalue hmmfrom hmm to alifrom ali to -- ----- ---- -------- -------- ------- ------ ------- ------ --- ------ ----- --------- --------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---- 1 785.7 0.0 1.2e-240 2.1e-236 11 387 23 398 2 19.9 3.0 1e-08 0.00017 420 469 407 458 Alignments for each domain: == domain 1 score: 785.7 bits; conditional E-value: 1.2e-240 COE 11 slkeeplgsglnavrswlqgagvldantaaqsgvglarahfekqppsnlrksnffhfvlalydrqgqpveiertafvdfvekekeanaektnngih 106 slkeepl r+w+ + ++d + vg+ rahfekqppsnlrksnffhfv+alydr gqpveiertaf++f+ek++e++ +ktnngi+ KWMTBOMO13837 23 SLKEEPL------TRAWMTPSSLVDNT----NSVGVGRAHFEKQPPSNLRKSNFFHFVVALYDRAGQPVEIERTAFIGFIEKDQEPEGQKTNNGIQ 108 5666666......599********975....468999*********************************************************** PP COE 107 yrlqllysngvrteqdlyvrlidsltkqaivyegqdknpemcrvlltheimcsrccdkkscgnrnetpsdpviidrfflkfflkcnqnclknagnp 202 yrlqlly+ng+r eqd++vrlids+tkq+ivyegqdknpemcrvllthe+mcsrccdkkscgnrnetpsdpviidrfflkfflkcnqnclknagnp KWMTBOMO13837 109 YRLQLLYANGIRQEQDIFVRLIDSVTKQPIVYEGQDKNPEMCRVLLTHEVMCSRCCDKKSCGNRNETPSDPVIIDRFFLKFFLKCNQNCLKNAGNP 204 ************************************************************************************************ PP COE 203 rdmrrfqvvvsttvnvdghvlavsdnmfvhnnskhgrrarrldpse........aatpcikaispsegwttggatviiigdnffdglqvvfgtllv 290 rdmrrfqvv+st v vdg +la+sdnmfvhnnskhgrra+rldp+e atpcikaispsegwt+gg+tvii+gdnffdglqvvfgt+lv KWMTBOMO13837 205 RDMRRFQVVISTQVMVDGPLLAISDNMFVHNNSKHGRRAKRLDPTEaglypplpVATPCIKAISPSEGWTSGGSTVIIVGDNFFDGLQVVFGTMLV 300 ************************************************************************************************ PP COE 291 wselitphairvqtpprhipgvvevtlsykskqfckgapgrfvy.talneptidygfqrlqkviprhpgdperlpkevllkraadlvealygvphn 385 wselit hairvqtpprhipgvvevtlsykskqfckgapgrfvy +alneptidygfqrlqk+iprhpgdpe+lpke++lkraadl+ealy +p n KWMTBOMO13837 301 WSELITSHAIRVQTPPRHIPGVVEVTLSYKSKQFCKGAPGRFVYvSALNEPTIDYGFQRLQKLIPRHPGDPEKLPKEIILKRAADLAEALYSMPRN 396 ********************************************559************************************************* PP COE 386 nq 387 nq KWMTBOMO13837 397 NQ 398 *9 PP == domain 2 score: 19.9 bits; conditional E-value: 1e-08 COE 420 hagllgvnsfssqlavnvse..asqateqgyarnsssvsprgyvpsstpqqs 469 ++ + ns+++qlav+v + asq te+ yar+ svspr +++stp + KWMTBOMO13837 407 PPASMPFNSYTGQLAVSVQDtaASQWTEEEYARSGGSVSPRYCSAASTPHAA 458 5678999***********983357889**************99999999765 PP |
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