SGID Silkworm Genome Informatics Database
Gene Sub Loc Uniprot Sublocation Topology
KWMTBOMO02227 Mitochondrial Microvillus
In scolopale cells (radially organized units in the Johnston's organ), protein is concentrated along actin-rich scolopale rods and more apically near scolopale cell-cap cell junctions (PubMed:15886106). In neurons, protein is concentrated near the basal body where neurons are tethered to the scolopale cell (PubMed:15886106). In germline and associated somatic cells of the ovary, it has a punctate distribution and associates with specific F-actin cell structures (PubMed:25236597). In germline cells, expressed in the F-actin-rich cytocortex of the oocyte (from stage 3, peaking at stages 9 to 10a) and in the cortex of nurse cells (from stage 6) (PubMed:25236597). Expressed in the microvilli and terminal web of follicle cells (PubMed:25236597). High expression at the base of the follicle cell microvilli in the brush border (PubMed:25236597).
referred by 10 publications
outside 1 - 221
KWMTBOMO02228 Nuclear

outside 1 - 825
KWMTBOMO02229 Cytoplasmic Cytoplasm
In imaginal disk, at the onset of differentiation of socket cell, it is also present in the cytoplasm.
referred by 12 publications
outside 1 - 490
KWMTBOMO02229 Mitochondrial Cytoplasm
In imaginal disk, at the onset of differentiation of socket cell, it is also present in the cytoplasm.
referred by 12 publications
outside 1 - 490
KWMTBOMO02229 Nuclear Cytoplasm
In imaginal disk, at the onset of differentiation of socket cell, it is also present in the cytoplasm.
referred by 12 publications
outside 1 - 490
KWMTBOMO02230 Nuclear Nucleus
outside 1 - 1124
KWMTBOMO02231 PlasmaMembrane

outside 1 - 296
TMhelix 297 - 319
inside 320 - 359
TMhelix 360 - 382
outside 383 - 391
TMhelix 392 - 414
inside 415 - 429
TMhelix 430 - 452
outside 453 - 466
TMhelix 467 - 489
inside 490 - 515
TMhelix 516 - 538
outside 539 - 552
TMhelix 553 - 575
inside 576 - 586
TMhelix 587 - 609
outside 610 - 626
TMhelix 627 - 649
inside 650 - 659
KWMTBOMO02232 PlasmaMembrane

outside 1 - 498
KWMTBOMO02233 Extracellular Secreted
outside 1 - 373
KWMTBOMO02234 Nuclear

outside 1 - 461
KWMTBOMO02235 PlasmaMembrane Secreted
outside 1 - 505
KWMTBOMO02236 Nuclear

inside 1 - 149
KWMTBOMO02237 Mitochondrial

outside 1 - 172
TMhelix 173 - 192
inside 193 - 374
TMhelix 375 - 397
outside 398 - 698
KWMTBOMO02237 PlasmaMembrane

outside 1 - 172
TMhelix 173 - 192
inside 193 - 374
TMhelix 375 - 397
outside 398 - 698
KWMTBOMO02238 Nuclear

outside 1 - 360
KWMTBOMO02239 Nuclear Nucleus
outside 1 - 284
KWMTBOMO02240 Nuclear Nucleus
outside 1 - 1321
KWMTBOMO02241 PlasmaMembrane

inside 1 - 46
TMhelix 47 - 69
outside 70 - 73
TMhelix 74 - 96
inside 97 - 184
KWMTBOMO02242 Mitochondrial

inside 1 - 6
TMhelix 7 - 26
outside 27 - 721
KWMTBOMO02243 Nuclear

outside 1 - 527
KWMTBOMO02244 Nuclear

outside 1 - 224
KWMTBOMO02245 Nuclear

outside 1 - 239
KWMTBOMO02246 Mitochondrial

outside 1 - 329
KWMTBOMO02247 Extracellular Secreted
outside 1 - 173
KWMTBOMO02247 PlasmaMembrane Secreted
outside 1 - 173
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